くぼた としのぶ TOSHINOBU KUBOTA・TOSHI KUBOTA 静岡県出身 7月24日生まれ
久保田利伸 Profile R&B、Soul Musicから多大な影響を受け、学生時代にプロに向けての活動を始める。
1986年、レコード会社争奪戦を経て、Sony Music(現Sony Music Labels)よりメジャー・デビュー。ロック主流の当時、オリジナリティ溢れる音楽性、質の高い楽曲、抜群の歌唱力、卓越したリズム感で多くの人々を圧倒させ、音楽シーンに新風を送り込む。後々まで愛される代表曲を含んだアルバムではミリオンセラーを記録する。ライブの楽しさと完成度は他に類を見ず、多くの人々を感動へと導く。
1995年、「世界を相手に歌ってゆきたい」という信念により、活動拠点をNYに移す。 USコロンビアレーベルより、海外デビュー。NYと日本、両方での活動が始まる。
2004年までに3作のWorldwide Release Albumを発表。この間、互いのレスペクトを持って、アメリカを中心とする海外ミュージシャンとの友好を高めてゆく。3枚目のアルバムでは日本人とは知らなかったドン・コーネリアスに認められ、ソウル・ミュージシャンにとって殿堂入りとされる米国老舗音楽番組「SOUL TRAIN」に初の日本人ヴォーカリストとして出演。
1996年、「LA・LA・LA LOVESONG」が日本で大ヒット。代表曲として加えられる。
2019年~2020年、アルバム「Beautiful People」を携え、全国ツアーを実施。コロナ禍で延期された公演を含め、完遂する。 現在、新作に向けて構想中。 デビューから現在に至るまで、その音楽性にプレがなく、「Japanese R&Bのパイオニア」と呼ばれ、後進アーティスト達の憧れの存在であり、Black Musicマニアから大衆まで幅広く熱い支持を得ている。 また自身の音楽制作のみならず、ドラマ・映画主題歌、CM音楽、スポーツ祭典におけるテーマ曲、アニメソングなど、多くのメディアへの楽曲提供経験も豊富であり、それら目的、期待に十分応える、比類無き仕事への姿勢とバランス感覚も持ち合わせている。
2022年に至るまで、邦盤アルバム18作、US洋盤アルバム3作、ベスト・コンピレーションアルバム6作を発表。(“Discography参照”)どの作品も普遍性を持ちながら、時代を的確に掴み、確実にファンの期待に応えている。 代表作「流星のサドル」「Missing」「AHHHHH!」「LA・LA・LA LOVESONG」「Bring me up!」「So Beautiful」「LOVE RAIN~恋の雨~」等多数。
Toshinobu Kubota Artist Profile After being greatly inspired by R&B and soul music, Toshinobu Kubota made the decision to work as a professional musician when he was just a student.
In 1985, he made his debut as a songwriter, and quickly began writing songs for idols and various legacy singers. (See: Works) In the same year, a demo tape that Toshinobu made as a joke, a Western music cover album titled Sugoizo! Tape, received acclaim by multiple media sources. As it was not released to the public, copies of the tape got sold for extremely high prices.
In 1986, Toshinobu made his major debut from Sony Music (currently Sony Music Labels) after a fierce competition between other record labels. In a time where rock music was the mainstream sound, his unique, high quality music, astounding voice, and exceptional sense of rhythm brought a new wave to the music scene. His hits which are still loved today sold millions, and his fun, perfected live performances moved countless people’s hearts.
In 1995, Toshinobu made the decision to work from New York after feeling strongly that he wanted to “sing to the world”.
He made his overseas debut from US Columbia Label, and worked from both New York and Japan up until 2004, he released 3 albums worldwide. During this time, he made friends with various American based musicians and received mutual respect from them. In his third album, he received praise from Don Cornelius, who did not know that he was Japanese. He appeared on Soul Train, a long-established American music program as the first ever Japanese vocalist. Appearing on the program was considered to be an invitation into the Hall of Fame for soul musicians.
In 1996, his song “LA・LA・LA LOVESONG” became a major hit in Japan, and became one of his greatest hits. For his 25th debut anniversary in 2011, Toshinobu had two major national tours lasting 2 years, and two album releases to celebrate the occasion. The two albums both sold more than a million copies.
In 2013, Toshinobu released a bossanova album titled Mouhitori no Kubota Toshinobu. For the album, he stepped away from his usual R&B sound to challenge a bossanova sound which he admired. Since the release, he has developed a deep love for bossanova.
Between 2019~2020, Toshinobu toured nationally for his album Beautiful People. He was able to complete the tour, including the shows that were postponed due to COVID. Currently, Toshinobu is working on a new album. Since his debut, Toshinobu Kubota has dedicated his life to his sound and became known as the pioneer of Japanese R&B. He is a huge inspiration to artists following his footsteps, and is loved by not only the mass public, but by R&B lovers. He has written songs not only for himself, but for television shows, movies, commercials, sports events, animes, and multiple other media, and has received appraisal for his work being precisely written for each project, portraying his skill and balance in songwriting.
Toshinobu Kubota has released 18 albums in Japan, 3 albums in the US, 6 compilation best albums to date. (see “Discography”) Each record successfully grabs the listener’s heart, while having a united sound all around yet modernizing and representing each of its time accurately. Best hits include “Ryusei no Saddle”, “Missing”, “AHHHHH!”, “LA・LA・LA LOVESONG”, “Bring me up!”, “So Beautiful”, “LOVE RAIN -Koi no Ame-”, and others.